- Years spent in the US: 6
- Hours left before I leave: 1 - :( :( :( :(
- States lived in: 4 - Arizona, California, NY and Washington
- Houses lived in: 5....my fav, La Casita - of course, Emmm!
- School attended: 2 - Flagstaff HS and the University of Arizona...go Wildcats! :)
- Diploma obtained: 1 - ha ha barely.....guess I have to thank my dear Top Ramen for keeping me alive all that time :D
- Trips back home: 8 - just enough to refuel on wine and cheese :)
- Times stuck at the border: 1 - mmmmmmmmmm yeah....Oooooh that was fun!
- States visited: 10 - Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Louisiana, New Jersey, NY, Oregon, Utah, Washington
- Most amazing experiences: taking part of a traditional Navajo wedding, hicking down Havasupai, flying in the cockpit of a plane on my way to Albania for Emily's wedding
- Slices of cheesecake eaten: too many eh eh eh
- Hours spent at the gym: the what?......:D
- Best eats: Taqueria Juanitos in Tucson, and Purple in Seattle and that Sushi place I went to with Darren but I can't remeber the name if it. My fav coffe shop: The Blue Dog:) Oh also love that French restaurant, what is it called again? Oh yeah, Jacques in the Box :D.....they have the best French fries and French vanilla milk shakes eh eh
Secret de polichinelle !!!!
Bonjour à tous et toutes!
Aujourd'hui je vous dit tout !!!
cela fait longtemps que je suis passé par là mais le moment est venu pour
moi de vous expli...
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