Tuesday, November 29, 2011

For the time they are a changin

Don't read too much into the title of this post, I'm not going to go all political on you :) If you know me, you know I am not really the kind....it's just that I've just been listening to this song quite a bit lately, after ready Steve Job's biography, and well, it's sorta stuck in my mind. I look around me, and it's all constant change.

Fall turning to winter before we have a chance to blink.

Little girls becoming big.

New challenges coming. New dreams forming. New hopes rising.

But amidst of those change, one constant: love & friendship.

People who will give to you, no matter what. No matter what. People that will make you travel the world. See the world. Love the word. And kick the world in the butt when it's not being fair.

And yes, the time, they are always a changin....but with those people around me, I have no doubt I can take it all.

*All pics in this post (except the last one) by my lovely Soaz*

1 comment:

Soaz said...

"with those people around me, I have no doubt I can take it all"
agreed :)