Sunday, November 27, 2011

A good day.

Yesterday was a good day. A great day actually. We planned our whole day around Olivia so she would have fun. Guess what, the adults got an even bigger kick out of it.

Starting with a trip to Toy'R Us in Time Square. Olivia was impressed. And running around the store looking at toys. Until she saw a walking giraffe. Then she started crying. I give her another year and she'll be chasing after that giraffe :)

BBQ for lunch = Daddy's stomach = Happy.

W went to Central Park to say hi to the sea lions and the monkeys. Olivia was there a few weeks ago with her daddy, and she just acted like she owned the place, telling us where to go and where to turn. With WHOAAAs here and WHOAAs there. She was so excited, she ran the entire time instead of walking.

Oh, and Madeline found her long-lost daddy.

And you know what? My little finger tells me that we had so much fun because this hot chick was there with us. Everything always more fun when she's with us :)

Did we have some tired little girls after that? Betch' ya! Was it worth it? Betch ya! Olivia didn't have a chance to nap all day, so the minute we jumped in the taxi, her eyes closed. But I'm pretty sure I can guess what she was dreaming about.

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