Sunday, February 12, 2012

A whole lot of that....

I know it's been a while since the last post. Actually, I haven't been good at all about updating my personal blog at all these past few months. It's partly because of this new project. In case you don't know, I just started a new blog, called This Little Street, to share the little treasures that I find around the web. Handmade goodies and beautiful products made by small companies that care. So if you haven't checked it out, head over to This Little Street and let me know what you think :)

So anyway, new projects are fine and dandy, but I shouldn't let the personal stuff down - it's important to me. So I've committed to writing on this blog every Monday. No excuses allowed. That's it. And I hope you'll hold me accountable for it!

Alright, now to the good stuff - because there's been a lot of good stuff in between the intense blogging of the past few weeks.

Like braving through the cold cold weather to get to the park with the girls. We've got two movers in the itsy-tiny appartment house now, so we need new territory to explore any time we can :)

Olivie still wants to wear the hat that I made for her when she was a baby. It's obviously not too small for her now. Not at all. :)

This is my view of Madeline 90% of the time, escaping for new adventures as fast as she can. Good thing mama started going to the gym again so that she can catch up with the runner of a little girl ;)

And then, when we get too cold, we run back home and do a whole lot of cuddling up in the bed.

And we read stories. And tickle. And giggle. A whole lot.

Madeline got her first tooth! See it?

We watch snow fall, and stick our hands out to feel the tickles on our fingers. Oh Olivia got SO excited.

And when we're all warm again, well....we start over, and go back outside and play.

And you probably guessed what we do when we get too cold? Yep, a whole lot of that....

Have a great week, my friends!

xoxo, Audrey


Ditte said...

Thanks for the update girl. Love to see pictures of my little nieces. They grow up so fast. knus Ditte

Soaz said...

Too cute to be true! héhé! Je n'y crois pas comme Madeline grandit à vue d'oeil, c'est dinguos!
Superbes tes photos, y'en a une ou deux que je vais te demander pour mettre sur mon mur :D
Plein de bisous les girls!

Ditte said...

Soaz Il est une tricherie à écrire en français :-D

Audrey J'aime votre nouveau blog.

pas plus français pour l'instant hehe :-D

Audrey said...

hahaha Ditte. Yes, Soaz, French is forever banned from this blog ;)