Monday, June 4, 2012

The red and white party

a.k.a Matthieu and Pamela's 30th birdthay bash. They had said the theme to be red and white, and everybody had to come dressed in these colors.

Madeline's white pants lasted a whole 30 seconds before she decided that she needed to sit in a puddle :) Ha yes, the beauty of white pants for a one year old - I wonder why they even bother to make them!
 The party was a blast. Great food. The loveliest of people - we played games and sang very loud, and danced. Oh yes we dance. We danced all night. And we laughed. Oh yes, on est tous fous du Gambadou!

Olivia was so surprised that it was getting night outside and that she was still up. She kept saying "C'est la fete!!" - but I could tell how at times she was a bit scared of how loud French people can get when they party :) The big kids were running around playing games and she tried to catch up with them, a big grin on her face, until she couldn't no more. We stepped away from the party and looked at the stars and the moon, and we just stayed there and hugged in silence, both enjoying the moment. That moment made the evening even more beautiful.

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