Secret de polichinelle !!!!
Bonjour à tous et toutes!
Aujourd'hui je vous dit tout !!!
cela fait longtemps que je suis passé par là mais le moment est venu pour
moi de vous expli...
Sunday, June 21, 2015
Russian river camping

Last weekend we went up to the Russian River valley with a lot of friends and had such a good time. Tim and Eliza invited us on their annual trip and I am so grateful that they did! Camping is so good for our little souls. As much as I love jumping on a plane and exploring new countries, going camping - near or far- remains my favorite. Even when pregnant and in my third trimester. There is something just so relaxing about it - and no, it's not all because of the bourbon marshmallows ;)
I've said that before, but being out in nature where most of the time we have absolutely no cell reception is so refreshing. The adults chat, make food, play the guitar by the fireplace while the kiddos run around happy and free, doing what kids are supposed to do. It's pure, simple happiness right there. I mean, I am happy to get back to by bed after a few days out camping, but I LOVE sleeping in the tent with my entire little family - it makes me feel so close to them.

There were a lot of us - 11 families....which sounds even crazier now that I am writing it! But we had 3 campsites that we shared and split all of the meals so that every family provided for part of two meals. It really worked out great in the end and the kids had so many friends to play with!
On the Friday we saw these crazy rainbows in the sky, like four of them at the same time and they went on for what seemed like forever - we all know it was Caleb at work up there :) I can't wait for our next camping trip - with four girls this time! It will be craziness I know it, but it will be so good :)
Friday, June 19, 2015
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Friday, June 12, 2015
Monday, June 8, 2015
Freia's first few steps :)
My little Freia is on the move :) The cutest penguin walks of all!
Friday, June 5, 2015
The girls are on a mini-break between school and summer school, and on that rainy Wednesday morning I decided to take them to Flowerland for the first time. Until now I'd selfishly been keeping it to myself - you know, a place where I could unwind without kiddos- but figure I really should show them. I kinda knew they would love it - and they did :) I mean, what's not to like, alleys of beautiful plants and flowers, and the best coffee/cookies.
We picked some new plants for the house and the girls got to order a cookie for their snack. Now every time we pass it driving they notice it and ask me "mama, when is the next time we're gonna go to flowerland?"...these girls are after their mama's heart I tell you that much!
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Olivia's preschool graduation
My little Olive,
What a fantastic couple of years you've had at Berkeley Hills Nursery school. You've grown so much in two years and I can't wait to see what beautiful little girl you turn into in elementary school. Miss Kris, Miss Lyla and Miss Nisha would love to be in your amazing world - and so do I! You have the most beautiful imagination, my child, filled with happiness and colors, and I hope you never EVER let go of that. The truth is, I very often take my inspiration from you. You're my crazy little dreamer :)
I know you'll miss you best friends from BHNS - Ella, Hazel, Evan, etc....but I promise that we'll do everything we can to keep in touch, and I have absolutely no doubt you're going to make more amazing friends at Rosa Parks. You make friends wherever you go....and boyfriends :) This year you told me you'd marry Lucio. No Jayden. No Filip. No Jayden. No Lucio. No Filip. You're going to be trouble, little girl, but your daddy and I are keeping a good eye on you and we'll always be there for you no matter what.
Love you so much,
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