Wednesday, December 3, 2008


oooh today was Christmas before Christmas!!!! I went to the recording of Tyra Bank's talk show today - which was actually the Christmas recording. And not only was the show great (I really love Tyra's bubbly personality), but throughout the show she also COVERED us with PRESENTS :D I, like every single person in the audience, left with a bag, no, a suitecase full of stuff - among which wonderful makeup, a beautiful watch, and a NINTENDO DS with personal trainer cooking woooooohooooo. Hehe so lucky. I am so excited about that, I got Troels "My French coach" (no more reason to slack) and one of the brain games. All that, followed by the most wonderful evening with my T at home :) I am supposed to be getting my homemade "advent calendar" tonight I can't wait - he got his already a few days ago :) WHAT A GOOD DAY, PEOPLE!

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