It is bittersweet when they turn one, isn't it? That very first birthday. When they turn one I see both the baby and the little girl. They say so much and yet so little. I want to cheer them on to take their first steps and still want to carry them everywhere we go - because I know the days are counted and soon she'll want to do it all on her own like a big girl. So many reasons to celebrate on that first birthday, and yet part of me always feels a little sad...knowing that from that moment on the baby days are really going to slip away.
Freia turned one last week and already I can everyday I can see the chance in her, becoming more and more of a little girl. I swear it was only yesterday that her sisters turned how is Olivia about to enter Kindergarten already?!
Of course, we had a little party because really we always try to spend more time celebrating life and all the changes it brings than regretting the things of the past. Moving forward, to infinity and beyond :) As we always do, we hung balloons and set the Danish flag on the table, we put a crown on our party girl and made our traditional strawberries and cream cake, we asked friends and family to write down what they think Freia will do/be when she grows up on her birthday post.
Traditions. I love them. They make time stand still for a moment...and sometimes really that's all you need. Take minute to reflect on life. Knowing that some things might change, our babies might grow up and we may not always like it, but really in the end - we get so much good stuff out of all that growing up. So cheers, to this tiny little girl turning one.
And a little video of Freia on her birthday :)
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