A week ago, we brought home a new life. A new piece of us. The end of life as we new it. A magical new chapter opened last week. The girls kept asking "Mama. It's been a LOOOONG time. When is Freia coming?!" I'd tell them that only she knew, only she could decide what her birth day would be, just like they chose them. They'd leave me huffing and puffing still - they just. could. not wait. They wanted their little sister already.
Last Thursday I started having stronger contractions than usual, and something told me that she was coming. And I thought she would come fast - because after all, her sisters did. I called my midwives, and we agree that we should go to the birth center sooner rather than later so we headed there late afternoon...to come back early evening. For some reason my contractions died down - it was so disappointing! That good old wisdom I gave the girls earlier just bit me in the butt ;) But an hour later they picked up again they picked up stronger than before. And I was happy again. I was going to meet my baby girl.
The delivery was longer (at least a bit longer than with Madeline and Olivia) and somehow more painful than I remembered with the girls - but that's what your brain does, right? It erases all memories of pain so you'll have children again. Tricky tricky brain. Anyway. It was tough, I won't lie, but I am so happy that I went all natural with this one again. Some people like to push their body to run a marathon. I can find no reason more beautiful to push your body to its limits than to bring another human body to this world. Freia was born at 3:28am on Friday, May 9th, and I think my first words to her where:"You are here! You're finally here!".
And then I looked at her little feet. These little feet that had been kicking me for month, these little feet that I'd get to move around the side of my belly when she was still in there. In the wee hours of Friday morning we came back home (the birth center doesn't keep you there, you get to go home), and the girls could meet their new sister before going to school.
Oh they were so happy. And so proud. And I just had a hard time keeping it together. So many little girls. So much love. And those damn hormones ;) I can't wait to see how this little girl changes the dynamics between all of them - but so far they have been so good to her.
Olivia sings to her, and not songs she knows - she makes up song for her baby sister. Kinda like Buddy in the movie Elf. "And you're going to sleeeep! And there will be hoooooooorses in your dreeeeaaams! And unicorns too!!!" It is so funny and so sweet. And Madeline is the best little helper like she always is. She wants to hold her sister, and help find clothes for her, and help change her diaper. Somehow she got so much bigger - and heavier too! - to me. I guess she is a big girl now. Even though I still see her as my little one :)
Troels is off work all week and helping out with the girls, so I am able to rest a whole lot. And Freia has been an amazing baby so far - she has already slept 5-hour stretches at home a couple of times! Granted, I know it won't last and tough ones are coming, but still. Last night as I was feeding Freia on the terrace after we put the girls to bed, everything was so peaceful, so serene and I thought to myself: "This has been the perfect first week with our baby girl." So hopefully, here's to more perfect weeks:)
But regardless of the tougher times that I am sure are coming, I feel ready for the challenge of balancing life with 3 kids, and can't wait to us to figure out our new routine. To figure out our new "life as we know it". So bring it on!
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