Yes, we're back, friends :) It's been a long time. Too long for my own sanity. You see, this blog, it helps me stay sane. Flush out the good and the bad. Can't remember where I read "one photo a day keeps the doctors away". Couldn't be more true. Except for, I also need to write. I know a photo is suposed to be worth a thousand of words. But sometimes, words can also say things that pictures never will.
So we're back. On the blog. And in New York. But let me backtrack a little bit, because so much happened in Denmark before WE got ourselves deported. It just feels insane to think about all that has happened in the past month. I know it's my life, but when I look back at it, it sorta feels like a movie. Like, things are real, but not really. It's all so new. It happened all so fast.
Our last week in Denmark was great. And awful. Full of laughs. And tears. Happy and sad all in one. We took the time to chill on some days, but then paid up for it quite bad. But what I love about that week, is that we tried to enjoy family as much as possible. It's important, to say goodbye. Troels' grand-ma celebrated her birthday, and so we joined the entire family in Northern Jylland, away from suitcases, a messy house, ever-expending to-do lists, for a few days of hygge.
The kids had the most brilliant time, doing crafts, running after each other, going to the pool. Oh, and jumping in puddles. A LOT. Because, go figure, it rained. A LOT. Thank you, Danish summer, for allowing us to keep our sweaters on the entire time. I sure would have missed not wearing my rain boots also! ;)
But regardless of the bad weather, the area was beautiful. Long strolls on the beach with hubby and Olivia. Away from all the craziness that was awaiting back home in Nivaa.
OOOoooooooops. I fell. My butt is wet :D
Olivia is so curious about everything these days. I have a blast going around, showing her things, telling her about things. She looks with inquisitive eyes, look at us, and we can see it on her face: she's trying to figure it all out in her little head :) While in Jylland, we went to go see the windmills. She LOVES them. Cried her heart out when we had to leave. Oh, and we also tried to put her in a field of wheat, just to see how she'd react. Yeaaaah. She's didn't digg this quite as much as the windmills. That, she was crying to get out off :D
The girls also met their new little cousin, Malia :) She arrived while we were in France, and couldn't wait to see her. Welcome to this crazy little family, little Malia, we're so happy to have you with us! All I got to say is, Maddie and Malia Best Friends 4 EVER :D The little girls just hung out, fell asleep together, comforted by each other's presence. It was oh-so-sweet.
Back in Nivaa after this mini-vacation, it was complete C.R.A.Z.I.N.E.S.S. Days of packing, cleaning, sorting through our life. And still taking care of the girls. Waking up at night to feed Madeline. I don't think there was a time in my life when I was more tired then then. But I'd rather not think about that too much. All I have to say, thank papa, Jean, Steffen, and Hanne for helping us getting everything done! Couldn't quite have done it without you.
And the last thing we did once the house was all cleaned up, and the bags all packed (too heavy) and ready to go? Well, we enjoyed the family. Some more. Cause you can never do too much of that. We spend the last evening at Hanne and Steffen, and celebrate Tristan's and Troels' brithdays early.
Lovely lovely last day.
And we went off. Away again.
To New York. Where things make you feel brand new, there's nothing you can't do, dixit Alicia Keys. And it's quite true. I'd forgotten the energy of the city, how contagious it is.
The apartment is now starting to feel more like a home - more pics soon- and the girls are getting used to their new life. We're getting our routine together, I've getting the hang of having to take care of the two of them most of the days. Life is, let's admit it, quite good :) NOw, do I have time to myself????? mmmm I actually forgot what that's like - could you tell by how long it took me to update the blog???? :) I always look to my right, see one girl. Look to my left. See another little girl. And it's ok, I know things will come together, and I'll get time for me. Right now, I just want to focus on them little girls.
We go to the park. I show Olivia all these new things. The big buildings. The helicopters flying around. She looks with her big brown eyes. It's been too hot in New York, so we try to go to the park every day, they have big water fountains and Olivia couldn't be happier running around in the cold water.
Actually, it's been so hot, that the first few days we got here, Olivia would get into our half-empty fridge and try to hide in it like it was her little house. Hahaha. Yep, that was HOT! Now of only I could have taken a picture of that!!!!! Oh, and her latest thing: she takes handbags everywhere she goes. Like a little lady :D Yep, we sure do have a little girl!
And little Maddie? She's sweeter than ever :) Still has her big blue eyes - now I'm really really hoping she keeps them, and her beautiful red hair. She's getting bigger every day. And to top it off, I heard a beautiful little laugh for the first time on Monday :) That will have to make a video soon.
So, as you can see, we're alive. I would even say, we're doing great :) Now, granted, we're tired eh. But we're happy to be back. We have the feeling like so many more of our dreams are going to come true here. And hoping this holds true Hello New York.
Until the next update, friends, be good! :)
1 comment:
lovely, lovely, lovely post - I'm so happy you shared about your last, crazy month! Great pictures of your daughters - so fun to see how much Maddie has already grown! I'm sure you'll handle everything most excellent, even if you're tired a lot of the time. Looking so much forward to reading all about your dreams coming true in New York!
xx Elizabeth
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