Blue and yellow everywhere and people talking Danish a bit funny, this is how I shall remember Sweden for now. Oh, and also the pink and yellow starfish, crabs, jelly fish and all that we saw under the water :) Lovely day out if it wasn't for the bees who tried to steal our lunch!
Secret de polichinelle !!!!
Bonjour à tous et toutes!
Aujourd'hui je vous dit tout !!!
cela fait longtemps que je suis passé par là mais le moment est venu pour
moi de vous expli...
Cairns, shuitres et faims
Bon pour changer, voici un post sur Cairns :D
Au risque de vous decevoir, celui-ci sera le dernier de ma longue serie de
posts qui vous aura tenu en haleine...
Un temps pour tout
On ne peut pas dire que je sois tres régulière dans la façon de tenir ce
Lorsque je l'ai crée je pensais y raconter chaque moment de ma vie, y
Library Finds
I was at the library today and found quite a variety of fun things to share
with Jonas and Ronan. We now have several books of exercises in phonics and
Prikker og blomster
så blev hun endelig færdig. Hun har ligget klippet og klar til at sy færdig
det meste af april måned, og endelig tog jeg mig tiden. Blomsterne er et
The man on the book cover.
He stared at me, looked up to me, rather. His hair fine, and wispy, curved
over his flat forehead, grazing the tops of his obedient eyebrows. His nose
Last 5 year = 5 cities in 3 countries. And many friends, adventures, pictures, laughs, cries, dancing, surprises, and dreams picked up along the way. Along with the most wonderful man and two little girls that steal my heart every day.
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