There's two kinds of family, the one that comes with blood, and the one that life throws at you . Oh you sure need to pay attention if you want to find that kind of family. But if you do, I promise you, it's oh-so-sweet. To me, that second family, it's the Poullains. I love these guys as much as Troels loves barbecue ribs - for those of you who know him, you'll know what that means :D hehe. jk.
So, on Sunday, we un-buried the coffin that we had buried before our wedding two years ago in my parents backyard. We decided to do this a bit last minute, so a lot of my direct family wasn't able to join. But the Poullains, they all managed, and that just made my day. And my Soaz was here also :)
And what a day we had. The perfect day for me. A big table all set up in the shade of a walnut tree under the big blue sky. Bright flowers on the table. And all these people I love so much.
Just chilling in the shade. Drinking (of course) a bit too much. Even Maddie as you can see :) Hey, can't blame us, it was hot out here!
Little kids running around and, well, being kids :)
Big kids running around and, well, also being kids :D
And grand-parents just being grand-parents.
Oh, and yes, accessorily, we also digged out the coffin :D
It was just pure laughter in the garden until the sun set.
My big brothers.
On days like this one, life seems so perfect that it almost feels like it's unreal. Like a movie. And I just can't believe my luck. Thank you, les Poullinos, for being my wonderful adopted family :)